First Annual Feed the Need: Standlee Equine Veterinary Nutrition Seminar
Standlee is excited to present you with the First Annual Feed the Need: Standlee Equine Veterinary Nutrition Seminar! Available on-demand virtually, attendees will be able to participate in the seminar from December 5, 2022 to January 31, 2023.
Feed the Need will provide veterinarians, vet technicians, and vet students with additional knowledge and resources to utilize nutrition as a part of an equine diagnostic and management plan. We will offer recorded presentations focused on prevention, management, and treatment through nutrition for the companion equine all the way to the elite athlete. Frequently asked questions and a chat forum will complement the recordings, as well as downloadable resources to support you, your clinic, and your clients.
Featured Topics presented by Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS
Dr. Stephen Duren completed his Bachelor of Science in animal sciences at the University of Idaho. He earned a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in equine nutrition and exercise physiology from the University of Kentucky. His research focus centered around feeding fat to racehorses and changes in blood flow distribution in fed and fasted horses during exercise. Duren has now formed Performance Horse Nutrition, LLC, where he consults with feed manufacturers and horse owners throughout the world. Duren has owned horses his entire life and truly understands the connection between diet and performance. He has owned competitive horses and understands the investment of time and training and realizes that diet should be a factor that helps the horse, not limits the horse.
Topics Include:
- Dietary Challenges for the Obese Horse/Pony
- Nutritional Management of the Competitive Equine Athlete
Presentations are RACE approved by AASVB for 1 CE credit per presentation, 2 credits total.
At Standlee, we believe our dedication to the lifestyle we share is what sets us apart and binds us all together. It’s why the Standlee family built a company dedicated to supporting, enriching, and nourishing the animals we love.